Projects in co-authorship

a film by the Brazilian queer collective Danças em Transições
From an online artistic residency led by Pol Pi at the Cultural Center of São Paulo, we created Danças em Transições (Danses en Transitions), a queer collective and a hybrid creation platform between 10 Brazilian trans, bixa and non-binary artists. A platform of resistance and solidarity that has proven fundamental in our lives during the collective experience of pandemic distancing. What can this collectivity tell us about the transformation of beings and worlds? The dramaturgical web of TANGLY, our first film, was woven through the recording of virtual encounters and the individual production of audiovisual materials between February and August 2021. It is not a filmed dance performance or a documentary, but a film whose format was born out of our desires to share creative practices and modes of existence. In this process, we embarked on the challenge of questioning the audiovisual language through our deconstructive gazes, of finding our own path, ephemeral like our dances and our existences, of filming and being filmed. The sharing of practices and processes has thus been seen as work, for what interests and moves us is precisely this transitory space of reinvention which questions the very formats to which we are accustomed as validated "results" within the framework of contemporary dance and performance. Creation, performance and image capture: Adda Risoppe, Alan Athayde, Brisas Project, Fabi Ferro, Ernesto Filho, Fernanda Silva, Ian Habib, Kaetê Okano, Patfudyda, Pol Pi, Reginaldo Oliveira Mediation and provocations: Pol Pi Dramaturgy: Brisas Project, Fabi Ferro, Ernesto Filho and Pol Pi Editing: Ernesto Filho Soundtrack: Adda Risoppe, Alan Athayde, Brisas Project, Ernesto Filho, Kaetê Okano and Pol Pi Color: Vicente Otavio Digital design: Brisas Project Cover photo: Kaete Okano Subtitles (Portuguese and English): Letícia Cherobim Social networks: Brisas Project, Fabi Ferro and Kaetê Okano Press: Ian Habib Production: Danças em Transições Production manager: Pol Pi Executive producers: Fabi Ferro and Ian Habib Produced in the frame of and through RAFT Panorama Festival 2021 Year: 2021 Danças em Transições co-producers: Ballet National de Marseille, Latitudes Contemporaines and La Briqueterie Panorama RAFT co-producers: Panorama Festival, Bates Dance Festival, CAC Center for Contemporary Art, National Choreographic Center of Caen in Normandy, Charleroi Danse, DanseHallerne, FTA - Festival Transaméricas, Gessnerallee, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, In Between Time, PACT Zollverein , Common Points - New National Stage of Cergy-Pontoise / Val d'Oise, SESC São Paulo, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Trajal Harrel / Tickle the Sleeping Giant Inc., Hyperjetlag Arts, Voo?uit, Walker Art Center Support: Museum of History and Transgender Art (Mutha Brasil) and Cultural Center of São Paulo (Sonia Sobral) Acknowledgements: Sônia Sobral, CCSP, Eneida Guerreiro, Renata Ferrão Arruda, Miguel Habib, Bureau Aziz de Contabilidade, Rodolfo Sertori, Julia Feldens, Fudida Silk, Bianca Kalutor, to our homes. To our rivers and forests. To everyone.

WAS ES IST (What it is)
A duet by and with Sophie Notte/Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop & Pol Pi
György Kurtag’s "Hommage à John Cage" is subtitled "Faltering words". The unsteadiness, hesitation and broken flow that lie within this epigraph is what has set us in movement. Through language, gestures, steps and music we search to inhabit the silences between what falters. Silences we embrace questioningly, creating space for the intangible, unpredictable, living, the "fundamental experience of the world" we might call love. With texts by Alain Badiou & music by György Kurtag “WAS ES IST” has been created as part of LOVE:15, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop. For LOVE:15, each of Kaleidoskops members developed short duets, which were shown at Radialsystem in March 2022. The invited guest were Ariel Efraim Ashbel, Black Cracker, Jone San Martin, Lionel Ménard, Lyllie Rouvière, Nitsan Margaliot, Pol Pi and Silvia Costa. A production by Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop , funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds with friendly support of “Klangwert – Ensemble-Förderung der Aventis Foundation. Pol Pi is funded by the Institut Français and the French Ministry of Culture/DGCA as part of the Corps, espace, temps work residency. With friendly support from La Place de la Danse – Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National/Toulouse-Occitanie. Photos: ©Arnaud Ele